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A külföldi online kaszinók egyre nagyobb népszerűségnek örvendenek, a játékok széles választékával és a kényelmes hozzáféréssel a világ minden tájáról vonzzák a játékosokat. Ezek a platformok menekülést és izgalmat kínálnak, hasonlóan ahhoz, amit a fogyasztók az olyan kiváló minőségű italokban keresnek, mint amilyeneket a Zwack Unicum Nyrt. gyárt. Az ikonikus Unicum gyógynövénylikőrjéről és számos más szeszes italáról ismert Zwack Unicum Nyrt. évszázadok óta vezető szerepet tölt be a magyar italgyártásban. Ahogy a välismaa kasiinod is sokféle szórakozási lehetőséget kínálnak, úgy a Zwack Unicum is gazdag italválasztékot kínál a különböző ízlések és preferenciák kielégítésére. Ráadásul ezeknek az iparágaknak a metszéspontja rávilágít a közös reklámkampányok és keresztmarketing stratégiák lehetőségeire. Képzeljünk el egy olyan kampányt, amelyben a Zwack Unicum Nyrt. együttműködik népszerű külföldi online kaszinókkal, hogy exkluzív ajánlatokat vagy tematikus eseményeket kínáljanak. Ez a szimbiózis mindkét ágazatban növelheti a márkaismertséget és az ügyfélszerzést.

The History of Unicum

This portrait is of the Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, Joseph II. As the family legend goes, in 1790, Dr. Zwack, court physician to Joseph II, offered the Habsburg monarch a sip of Unicum as an aid to his digestion. Legend has it that upon tasting it, the monarch remarked: "Dr. Zwack, das ist ein Unikum!" thereby giving this herb liqueur the name it still bears today.

Over time, the fame and popularity of Unicum grew beyond the imperial court in Vienna.

„The General"

Fifty years later, a descendant of Dr. Zwack, feature in the photo as József Zwack, founded his first distillery in 1840 and registered Unicum as a commercial brand.

In the trade, he was known as"The General"" and was still leading the distillery until well over the age of ninety. He was considered a pioneer in the field as the first to use natural ingredients in the production of liqueurs and spirits.

The first location of the distillery was the so-called Marokkó Courtyard, situated at what is now 15 Erzsébet Square.

However, these premises soon proved too small, so around 1850, Zwack moved to 5 Két Szerecsen Street in Terézváros. When the business outgrew even the basement of the house, Zwack rented the entire neighboring house, known as the "tolludvar" as well. These buildings served as the venues for József Zwack's operations and residence until the construction of the nearby Sugár Road (now Andrássy Avenue).

Unicum became a registered trademark as a herb liqueur

On May 22, 1883, Unicum was registered with the number 805-071 under the name "to protect the stomach-strengthening liqueur sold under the Unicum name". The drink was made according to the secret recipe of the Zwack family dating back to 1790.

From the outset, Unicum was marketed in its original round bottle, featuring a red cross on its label. As of 1899, the Company paid a significant annual sum to the Hungarian Red Cross Association for the right to use this symbol. After 1922, this agreement came to an end, leading to a change in the cross's color to gold and the background to red, a design still used to this day.

In 1886, József Zwack's son, Lajos, also became a partner in his father's Company, prompting a name change to Zwack J. és Társai (Zwack J. and Partners).

The New Home of the Zwack Distillery

By the early 1890s, there was insufficient space for adequate expansion of the Üllői Street premises. Consequently, a new location had to be sought for production, as the existing old properties were unsuitable for this purpose.

A suitable area was found in the outer Ferencváros district along the Danube riverbank, where the plots were only identified by cadastral numbers. Previously, large steam mills (Concordia, Gizella, Király, etc.) had been built here, close to the Danube and the newly established Danube Side Railway.

On September 20, 1892, the Zwack family announced to the Council that they would be taking over the new premises at the end of the month. For this, they requested the granting of a "habitation permit" and the completion of the ongoing land consolidation.
In 1906, as part of the rearrangement of the roads and streets of Ferencváros, the houses were renumbered. This is when the Zwack distillery received the address 26 Soroksári Road, which remains the home of the Zwack Company to this day.

By the time Hungary joined the European Union in 2004, the Zwack distillery buildings had been completely renovated, and today they look exactly as they did back then.

These historic walls still house the latest technology for extracting and distilling medicinal herbs.

Zwack, By Appointment to the Imperial and Royal Court

During the time of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, József Zwack endeavoured to obtain the title of k.u.k., Supplier to the Imperial and Royal Court.

In 1895, he succeeded and Zwack József és Tsai. was awarded the prestigious title of Supplier to the Imperial and Royal Court, becoming one of the most significant liqueur and spirits company in Central Europe with over two hundred different products. Its goods were shipped worldwide, including to the USA. By the turn of the century, this coveted title adorned its letterheads and advertisements.

Zwack beverages gained international recognition, receiving numerous awards and gold medals.

The Story of the "Vizesember" (The Waterman)

At the beginning of the 20th century, economic development accelerated, mass production flourished, and advertising underwent a leap forward, often reaching artistic levels. It was during this time that a distinctive type of poster emerged, associating a grotesque figure with a particular product.

The Zwack Company always aimed for witty yet easily understandable advertisements. The most successful campaign was the "Vizesember" (The Waterman), created by Viktor Pachl in the early 1900s. The poster became iconic in Hungary and has served as the basis for countless drawings, cartoons, and photographs over the decades.

The image depicts a bearded castaway, joyfully discovering a bottle of spirits floating in the water while adrift at sea. A weathered face, round eyes filled with excitement, and a bottle of Unicum. All presented in a simple, dynamic form, well-composed. Unlike previous eras where the focus was on the distillery, this poster aimed to promote a specific product. This forward-thinking approach hinted at concise, concentrated, and objective communication.

The Two Brothers

By 1926, both of Zwack Lajos's sons, János and Béla, had joined the management of the company. Despite the interwar period, the Zwack Company flourished, producing over two hundred different liqueurs and spirits by the 1920s.

János and Béla often had differing opinions, and they were known for their lively debates. They even supported different soccer teams. Nevertheless, each contributed significantly to the Company's success. While Béla focused on manufacturing technology and product development, János directed the Company's marketing and export activities. From its inception, the Zwack Company has been a family business, and it remains so to this day!

The 1930s

The economic boom of the early 20th century came to an abrupt end at the turn of the 1920s and 1930s, with the onset of the Great Depression, which affected both Hungary and the Company. The market for luxury goods significantly declined, and the prohibition of alcohol in the United States severely reduced the Company’s export market. In order to offset the losses and utilize manufacturing capacities, the Company's management began producing incandescent bulbs and fluorescent tubes, which appeared on the domestic market, illuminating the streets of Budapest and main boulevards with Unicum neon signs.

World War II – the original recipe flees to the United States – Communism in Hungary

During World War II, Budapest suffered immense losses, becoming one of the most heavily bombed cities in Europe, and the Zwack distillery was reduced to rubble. In 1945, amidst the ruins, the Zwack family resumed work in two rooms. Simultaneously, they began the reconstruction and modernization of the factory. By the time the facility was fully restored to its pre-war condition, it was autumn 1948 when it was nationalized without compensation.

The advance of communism was a risky period for Hungary's industrial elite. Zwack János put his son, Péter, on a train heading towards the Yugoslav border, uncertain if they would ever see each other again. Young Péter disembarked before the border and continued on foot, walking by night and hiding by day until he reached the port of Trieste in Italy.

Soon after, his father left the country under adventurous circumstances, bribing the driver of a Soviet military truck and traveling under an overturned oil drum with only one thing in his breast pocket—the recipe for Unicum. Béla and his wife decided to stay in Hungary. Béla found work as an employee at the Zwack distillery, overseeing the production of Unicum. Naturally, he did not reveal the original recipe for Unicum; instead, he handed over a false recipe. Later, he and his wife were deported to the countryside, like many other "class enemies" at the time. János and his son, Péter, were reunited in Italy, from where they sailed to the United States, where they were interned as stateless refugees at Ellis Island. Later, Péter's mother, Vera, joined them in New York. In the mid-1950s, Béla and his wife managed to emigrate to Italy, where they began the real production of Unicum, introducing the drink nationwide at trade fairs.

Janos sues to protect the Zwack trademarks

In the meantime, János Zwack discovered that the Communist State –run company in Budapest was still exporting its products to the USA under the Zwack name, primarily Unicum, with the assistance of their former American partner, the Kraus Brothers company.

He therefore filed a lawsuit against the American company and the communist Hungarian state to regain and preserve the family trademarks. He wrote countless letters on his portable typewriter to lawyers, official bodies, and eventually achieved a groundbreaking victory, ensuring that the state-owned socialist company could no longer use the Unicum name in the West. As a result, the Unicum produced in Budapest, which was not the original, was exported under a different name, Beverage Bitters.

János Zwack did not live to see the outcome of the lawsuit, as he and his brother Béla passed away within two weeks of each other. János Zwack was buried in the United States, and eventually, his son, Péter Zwack, brought his coffin home in 2011 and laid him to rest in the family grave at Fiumei Road Cemetery.


Peter Zwack initially lived in Chicago and later in New York with his first wife, Iris, and their five children: Peter, Gioia, Alexa, Iris, and Jancsi.

Peter Zwack worked tirelessly to ensure the preservation of the Zwack name in the United States. To this end, he entered into a contract with the Jim Beam company to produce and distribute gin, vodka, and slivovitz under the Zwack name.

Peter Zwack in Italy

During this time, the concept of quality wines was still in its infancy in the United States.
Peter Zwack spent many years working for leading American spirits and significant wine import companies. Alongside Alexis Lichine, often regarded as the father of American wine culture, they introduced quality vineyard estates and estate-bottled wines to the American market, playing a significant role in establishing the distribution of quality wines, known as "château wines," in the United States. Peter Zwack traveled across Europe, visiting important wine-producing regions to select wines that their company would distribute on the other side of the ocean.

In 1970, he returned to Europe to oversee the production and marketing of Zwack Unicum in Italy. During this time, Peter Zwack and his second wife, Anne Marshall, an English writer and journalist, actively participated in the PR work of the Unicum, which had become a popular drink produced under license. They closely collaborated with a major spirits company based in Genoa, responsible for selling and marketing the brand.

Return to Hungary

Peter Zwack, along with his family (his wife and two children, Sándor and Izabella), returned home in 1987-88.
At that time, he stated: "I was among the last to leave the country, and among the first to return."
On July 10, 1989, Peter Zwack & Consorten AG (a joint venture between Peter Zwack and Emil Underberg, a German liqueur manufacturer) established Zwack Unicum Budapest Kft. in the form of a joint venture with Budapest Likőripari Vállalat, Magyar Hitelbank, and MONIMPEX Külkereskedelmi Vállalat.

Return to Hungary

In 1992, as part of the privatization program, Peter Zwack & Consorten AG established Zwack Unicum Rt. They did not regain ownership but successfully submitted a bid and repurchased the entire Budapest Likőripari Vállalat (including multiple factories) from the state for a significant sum. Meanwhile, Peter Zwack received minimal compensation for the family's nationalized castle house, which later housed the Turkish Embassy, and for the nationalized distillery.

In 1990, after 43 years of forced emigration, Peter Zwack was appointed as the first U.S. ambassador to democratic Hungary following the regime change. However, he had to renounce his U.S. citizenship for this position.

Upon the family's arrival, their first task was to personally paint the embassy building white. On one of the walls, they hung the famous lines of the Hungarian poet Daniel Berzsenyi: "Only a free nation can perform wonders!"

Unicum Next

In 2004, under the leadership of Zwack Sándor and Zwack Izabella, Unicum Next was developed as the new generation of the beverage.

This drink was crafted in the same manner as Unicum, but with a less pronounced bitter taste. The proportion of bitter herbs was reduced, while citrus flavors took center stage. As a result, it was transformed into a refreshing and light herb liqueur, making it easy to drink.

Generational Transition

After nearly twenty years, Zwack Péter passed the baton to the next generation of the family in 2008.

His son, Zwack Sándor, became the Chairman of the Board, while his daughter, Zwack Izabella, became a member of the Board. Thus, the family tradition continues into the sixth generation. Zwack Péter actively participated in the Company's daily life as its first honorary chairman until his death in 2012.

Zwack Péter passed away in 2012 in Italy. The funeral mass, attended by high-ranking representatives of the state and public life, was celebrated in Budapest by the abbot of Pannonhalma at the St. Stephen's Basilica. Here, Zwack Péter was bid farewell in eulogies delivered by his sons, Péter Junior and Sándor, while Izabella commemorated him at the cemetery.

New Look for Unicum!

Over the past 200 years, Zwack Unicum has successfully overcome many challenges, remaining a dynamic, continuously renewing company built on its centuries-old traditions, professional prestige, expertise, and stable values.

It's no wonder that the slogan of our most important brand is "Only think Positively," as this positive mindset is the driving force behind the Company's success. In 2009, both the classic brand Unicum and Unicum Next received splendid new designs.

Zwack Unicum Nyrt. was among the first to issue a Sustainability Report. Committed to environmental protection, energy conservation and recycling, the Company earned the title of "The Greenest Office of 2009." Our Company places great emphasis on using various occasions to raise awareness about responsible, moderate alcohol consumption.

Unicum Plum

In 2002, we introduced Unicum Plum.

The plum, native to our country, proved to be a unique ingredient that became a worthy companion to the drink made with a recipe dating back over 230 years. The drink's uniqueness is fundamentally guaranteed by Unicum, and there has been no change in the closely guarded family recipe and oak barrel aging, ensuring that Unicum Plum continues to preserve its traditional values.

Unicum Plum is also a specialty, resting on a bed of dried plums before aging in oak barrels, resulting in a light, harmonious, and fruity flavored beverage.

Zwack Export History

Zwack Unicum Nyrt. was already engaged in active foreign trade before World War II, exporting to numerous European and American countries. Today, as it was then, building our brands beyond Hungarian borders is of paramount importance to the Company. This is evidenced by the dynamic growth of Zwack's exports, which tripled between 2000 and 2012, reaching more than 30 countries worldwide.

Unicum Riserva

The first herb liqueur in the super premium category. The magic of Unicum Riserva lies in its unique production process, the "double barrel" aging. The basic ingredient, Unicum, is aged in the largest and oldest barrel in the cellar system on Soroksári Street in Budapest, which is over 85 years old. The special substance formed in the staves of the barrel over the long decades, the so-called "black honey," gives a more distinctive character to the Unicum in which it is aged.

This is followed by aging in barrels from the Dobogó winery, owned by Zwack Izabella. This process adds roundness, smoothness, and the incomparable character of Tokaj to the drink. As the well-known bittersweet taste of Unicum meets the essence of Tokaj, the complex flavor profile of Unicum Riserva becomes softer yet spicier, fruitier with a hint of apricot, delicately herbal, and cool, minty notes. Unicum Riserva is best enjoyed poured over ice.

Unicum Barista

A Unicum with more than 40 herbs and spices and arabica coffee extract matured in oak casks. This is Unicum Barista.
A keserűlikőr-fogyasztás és a kávézás egyaránt évszázados múltra tekint vissza számos európai országban, így Magyarországon is. Ezt a két hagyományt egyesíti innovatív módon az Unicum Barista, amelynek fő alkotóelemei az Unicum és az arabica kávé. Az arabica kávé egy része, egy Costa ricai magyar ültetvényről származik, mely a Bányai nevet viseli. Az ital tölgyfahordós érleléssel nyeri el végleges karakterét.

Green Project - Heat Pump and Solar Panel System

A Zwack Unicum Nyrt. hosszú távú célja a széndioxid-semleges működés elérése, amelyet a megújuló energia használatának fokozásával kíván megvalósítani. A legnagyobb kibocsátás csökkentését a dunaharaszti gyárunkban sikerült elérni a megújuló energiával való ellátás révén. Ennek a beruházásnak a komplexitása teszi lehetővé a rendszer élvonalbeli működését. A hőszivattyú villamosenergia igényét napelemrendszerek telepítésével kívántuk fedezni, ezeket egy integrált rendszerbe helyezve, okos vezérléssel támogatva. A célunk az volt ezzel a beruházással, hogy megőrizzük versenyképességünket, miközben maximalizáljuk a pozitív környezeti hatást.

Current Zwack Export

Zwack products continue to penetrate new markets year after year, with a significant increase in the number of countries where robust distribution is established. Presently, you can find Zwack Unicum Nyrt. products in over 35 countries across 5 continents. While the assortment and popularity of products may vary by country, the Unicum product line, along with Fütyülős, Vilmos, and Kosher Slivovitz, remains dominant in export sales. The Unicum product family constitutes more than 85% of total export revenue. Export sales contribute at least 12% of Zwack's gross sales, with the aim of further increasing this proportion.

Apart from our primary markets – Italy and Germany – we place significant emphasis on neighboring countries such as Romania, Slovakia, and Austria, where we are witnessing growing success in terms of brand recognition and sales. We collaborate with our largest distributors based on well-thought-out strategies and annual brand plans supported by both parties. Annually, we participate in renowned international exhibitions, professional events, and local festivals, endeavoring to provide insights into the world of Unicum.

Looking ahead, our primary focus remains on exploring additional opportunities within Europe, while also remaining open to collaboration beyond the boundaries of Europe.